Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Give and receive

The dance between giving and receiving is one of the hardest things about relationships for me. This might sound crazy, but it took me until relatively recently to realize that I enjoyed helping my friends and that they enjoyed helping me. It is so important to have both energy coming in your life and energy going out!

In the past, I sequestered myself away. I tried to not ask anyone for anything. When something unavoidable came up, I had incredible feelings of guilt and shame for having to ask for help. Part of this was that I wasn't offering to help others. It was my MO, having grown up in a family where there never was enough love or energy to go around. I always felt I had to protect what resources I had. So I had nothing going out and nothing going in. Ask any organism, that is not a healthy way to live!

Conversely, at other times, I expected the world from other people, and all the years of unexpressed need would crest and crash like a tidal wave. I would become furious when others did not respond with what I thought I deserved, with what I thought they "should" do for me.

These days I have started letting my guard down a little with friends. I offer to help them sometimes, and I accept their requests for help when I can. In turn, I ask for and receive help when they can. And I try not to have unrealistic expectations.

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